Peace, Love & Plants
A few years ago, I killed every green thing. Then, I chose to master the art of growing. Now, I am a "crazy plant lady" & have a serious "thrive problem."

Plants & PTSD
A few years ago, I lost everything. My 25yr career, hard-earned reputation, my home, my wealth, my self-trust, my identity...and my mental-wellness.
I wasn't allowed to communicate what I was going through. I was isolated, afraid, and stuck. I needed to focus on something positive. I needed to move the stuck energy. I decided that I needed to nurture, and grow something within my own power...so I decided to grow plants. I brought home a few Walmart rescues, and, those powerful, beings rescued me right back. They gave me someone to talk to. They responded to my care, interest & touch. They offered me solace.
When I got home, I was unprepared for the level of glitched my brain would suffer. I asked for plants, cuttings, seeds...anything I could grow. My friends & family brought, bought & shipped me enough to get me started and , magically, the healing power of plants began anew.
Receiving them, gave me love.
Unwrapping and prepping them gave me purpose.
Searching for roots in water jars (many times a day), gave me hope for the future.
When the roots popped out of those stems in those jars...I felt my faith restoring. I began to feel trust in the laws (& miracles) of nature & life..
Now, I have over 1000 plants. I grow from seed, propagate from cuttings, rescue dying plants from Walmart, plant-swap and plantscape (indoor or outdoor) like a pro. I've studied horticulture & am currently very slowly studying mastery of herbalism.
Plants are "my thing".
Nurturing plants is a grounding, soothing, intellectually-stimulating, and captivating experience for me. It has helped my PTSD & ADHD so much.
It gives me something healthy to hyper-fixate on and, slows down my mind.
Digging in the dirt brings me peace, calms my mind & reconnects me to my natural rhythm.
Growing beauty and being surrounded by it...gives me joy.

Yes, You Can Grow Plants
If I can...you can. Teaching others that they can grow plants makes my soul happy.Reach out. Ask me anything. I'm here for it.

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